Able to move her arms but unable to make her legs work.
Half mobile.
But immobilized.
Not able to speak.
Oh for the ability to express what is so deep in my heart.
My faith is hidden a lot of the time…. But it is there.
I have this Mute button. That is what I call it.
So much I feel but just can’t get out.
I just watched the Kings Speech. Yes.
Today I was given a new student. She starts next week.
She was in a horse accident and is now paralyzed.
I hate horses. They scare me. They always have.
A few years ago it was my new years resolution to get back on a horse.
Jesus heals the mute.
Jesus heals the paralyzed. In body, and in fear.
I have been the one who has always said to God. That would freak me out to see that.
I am not sure I want that.
My faith is a mustard seed hidden. But it is there…
I have a mute button.
In Jesus name?
In Jesus name.....