I often feel bad that when I do a show or a gig that I don't tend to play it much if at all. I think people wonder why sometimes. I have asked myself that question and the only answer I have come up with is this. " It's my sacred space."
My intimate place of connection with myself, my God and everything that makes up the process of who I am in this life. This is why I have a love and sometimes hate relationship with what comes out of me on those keys. And this is why I don't often write songs for " a show" that come out of that place. Its not because I don't want to be vulnerable or show myself to all of you. As any artist knows though you have to KNOW where your boundary lines fall. What you can give away with the knowing it may not come back to you as you expect or desire. It is love. When I give it away I better make sure I am giving it away for free. No strings attached.
Even now I don't know if this is making sense. These are simply the thoughts of my mind as I prepare to play a few shows in the next few months. Will I play piano? Maybe not...or perhaps yes. I am not sure. If it is in me, yes I will.
I can promise this though. Guitar, Piano, Drums or just my voice. I will speak from my heart, I will love what I do, and I will give away the gift for free that has been given so graciously to me.