Friday, December 10, 2010

a penny is change too

Canadian currency can be super annoying. There must be a reason why they call it Loonies and Toonies. Let's just add some more weight to our already overflowing change purses. And you poor men! I guess that's what the sock drawer is for. That's where my Dad use to store his spare change :)
The value of change is based on the value we have placed on it. You can buy a lot more with a two dollar coin than a penny..obviously. But pennies do add up...over time. Pennies are change too.
So  taking your pennies and casually stuffing them in your ashtray perhaps saving them for a rainy day might not be a pointless idea. It just may bye you that extra cup of emergency coffee you need on that REALLY bad day when you left your wallet at home.
Change comes in small and larger amounts. But at the end of the day change is change. And over adds up to something that just might brighten one bleak day!!

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