Thursday, February 10, 2011

titles are like introducing your song a.k.a. Anonymous 1

Every time I write a new blog it asks me to "title it". I feel a lot of pressure around this. Titles remind me of my least favourite thing about doing piano recitals. INTRODUCING my piece. " I am going to play _____in G by Bach" . Even worse at festival where my nerves were more shot because I was not only performing but COMPETING . I don't like titles. So from here on out....unless I have something REALLY witty to say....I will leave my titles blank. Or else name every single one "anonymous 1..2..3....4...ect"

But that is not the point of my blog. The point is to say that in my last write up I simply said I want to think bigger.
I have crazy ideas sometimes. Like dreams at night where you can fly and shoot "mind bullets"(thank-you Jesse Olsen) at objects and things.

Today I discovered two things I didn't know were possible. They are small....but the long run.
#1. I can attach the mouse to my computer on my own. And I did. Easier? Yes.!

#2. I have been working on a musical project that I feel slightly overwhelmed by..... in other words. I have the VISION...I just am not sure if I  have the tools to put that vision together. A few pieces have fallen into place...and today I discovered my next missing piece:) In the most perfect timing ever.
I have had the feeling all along that if I GO...I will know what is to happen next. Today I feel lighter...and encouraged that thinking bigger, may be so much bigger than I could ever think or imagine that I need not worry about how it will come together...or if it will...I will just be impressed by the immaculate timing of God. Thanks:) I needed that...


  1. first of all - i almost like titling my blog posts better than i like writing them... i think i'm flawed like that...
    secondly... i'm workin' on a little musical project of my own that i have no idea if it will come together or not... such an interesting thing - watching something come together - or just slowly decompose over time...
    Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. It is wonderful and fascinating to observe this creative prossess!! I want to flow in the immaculate timeing of God too. xox mom

  3. totally agree with you re: titles - i should always leave them till last but i know i'll forget :) so my titles are all dumb, oh well...

    I want to know more! I've been writing *songs* lately, but they are all coming from the same spot :)

  4. I like titles.... so I'll give you one free for that post. "Big Bam"....(by little Tan)

  5. Hey THANKS! I will use that one next:)

  6. And Paige....I like your flaws:)
