Wednesday, January 18, 2012

wait!!! I"M A BLOGGER!.

Are you Nash Enough?

So ya, my friend Adam Henkel is in a contest to fulfill a dream of his. Kind of like make a wish foundation except he isn't sick. Unless you use the term "sick" as in "THAT'S SICK"! Which is not actually disgusting but rather a different more backward way of saying " THAT'S AWESOME"! But I digress...
Anyway, his dream is to meet Steve Nash his basketball idol, and he has a chance to right NOW! Basically from now until January 29th his 1 minute video that he made has made it into the top 5 and is currently in 1st place and being voted on 3 times a day with OUR HELP! If he wins... he will get flown to New York City to star in a Vitamin Mineral Water commercial with his idol Steve Nash.

Why help Adam?

1. Because he would do the same for you even if he didn't know you...I know this about him.

2. He danced like no one was watching in his video.

3. He rapped like a rockstar and is talented enough to be one!

4. He has vision beyond himself and would use the exposure to inspire people and help others reach their dream

5. His Dad is Willie Wimple. If you don't know who that is that's o.k. Willie Wimple rocks.

So heres the deal...please up to 3 times a day (every 8 hours it will let you vote again)hop on the bandwagon until January 29th and VOTE VOTE VOTE.  Go to the sight by clicking on the "ARE YOU NASH ENOUGH" title at the top of this page , click the dot beside Adam Henkels video and push vote at the bottom.

You can be a part of something so cool in helping someones dream become a true reality, and it only takes a second. Well 3..actually :) For the love of the dream and social networking. Thanks and all the hugs to you ,Tanya

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