As I am writing choir songs I am challenged by the content. Always.
Writing comes so naturally to me it feels like a well...and I think it is.
GOSPEL music even more so.
I have a deep faith with a deep legacy of believers in this gospel along side and in front of me.
I also have a deep need to be grounded. I question almost everything. I am certain that most times what we see is not all there is.
Which is why I think faith in what I can't see makes a lot of sense to me.
Balance says if people hide and there are masks to shield what we don't want revealed, there must be also aspects of this world that hide behind things we can't see.
Does it always have to be bad though?
In my experience it isn't religion or church itself that gives me hope.
It's the knowlege that when I have lost EVERY FAITH AND HOPE something has compelled me forward to walk through that.
People. Music. Words. Silence. Just....something.
Love and Hope are timeless. Full of gravity yet completely free of tethers.
JOY is not something you can grab with your hands.
It is there though.
Faith isn't all bad.
I think Jesus knew that...and that is why Jesus walked by it.
And that is why I walk by it.
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