Saturday, September 25, 2010

All Aboard..

Hello friends! Well I decided today is as good a day as any to unleash my inner ocean. I will just say this from the get go. These are my thoughts. Surprise right? No really. These are my thoughts. 
I have been feeling the death of the artists block for months now. Recently I have been unleashed though by the graceful hand of mercy to frolick free with my words on my NEW COMPUTER! Not that a pen and paper wont do anymore. But I am a much faster typer and it saves me writers cramp. And somehow, knowing I can place my thoughts in the faithful hands of Google makes me feel empowered, not to mention you reader..even if YOU the reader remains in fact only me! Yes . I do re-read my own blog:)
I warn you, if you travel these seas with me you may feel the need to jump ship at some point. And I am sure if you ask me I will be more than willing to jump with you. 
My point?
The purpose of me creating this blog is simply so I can just BE. 
BE a friend to myself
BE a friend to you
BE lieve in things I may not find until I get them out...

There is an ocean inside of me....
                                                        welcome. xo


  1. Tanya, you are such a good writer, and I am happy to jump on board! Thanks for letting others read your thoughts through your blog. Is it funny that as I read, I can see your hand writing it with a pen? I've always liked the look of words hand-written by you... Congrats on your new computer, but if you're close by it at some point, don't not write just because you can't type it. Thanks for being my friend, too :)

  2. aw, nuts... that should have said, "but if your NOT close to it at some point..."
