Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Facts of Life ...

Have you ever wondered why theme songs stick in our head so much?
The one that comes to my head immediately is " the facts of life" theme song.

to refresh??.... sing with me all born before 1980!

 " you take the good, you take the bad, you take it all and there you have the facts of life 
The facts of life.Theres a time you gotta go and show your growin now you know about the facts of life....the facts of life. When the world never be livin up to dreams..." 

you get the idea...

Well I am thinking about themes this week. I have been avoiding writing anything about this week because quite frankly I just can't find the words yet... but I thought I would begin to attempt to fumble through my feelings and download some of what has been on my mind .I told you before....All aboard. This Blog will make you laugh I hope at times...but not today. This week...has been about something more than the facts of life..but rather the reality, of death. I am sorry.. I gotta get it out. The reason I started a blog. Just so I could talk without on. If you care to travel with me..

This week I have been faced with Some different kinds of death. All forcing me to think about what it all means. Death is not a new concept for me, or probably you either. However when it faces us in our close circle of friends, or people we are in contact with every day it has a new effect. This time around the effect for me, has been about "bearing one anothers burdens"

I am going to blog this in parts because I can't possibly keep my own attention let alone yours for long enough to get all I am feeling out in one entry. 
The reality this week..
Last Saturday a loved coworker of mine and loved friend of my friends commit suicide. She was 26 years old. With a five year old son she LOVED and family she LOVED and pain, that became to great for her to hold anymore..I get this kind of pain. So my heart....for different reasons than most. grieves. For her. For her son and sons father. For her family. And for her friends. A lot of which, may never understand why.... 
God knows. God loves. God bears our burdens.

Someone else I work with lost a Grandpa the same weekend. He was ninety. Lived a long life. We grieve..and face a different kind of understanding with this kind of death. This one is easier to grasp. At least for me..

Someone else I worked with lost a friend to brain cancer this week. He was 32. I am sorry for your loss my friend. Love. And peace.

And a customer who I love and serve everyday, cried while she told me today she lost her Mother on Friday. My heart ... is full.

                              And all I have been thinking of all week is these two simple but profound words.
                                                                                       Jesus Wept.



  1. Yes...He wept....and He also was depressed...somehow it helps to know that...

  2. You are precious to carry other people's pain as well as your own....I'm so amazed by people dear to me who feel the pain, theirs and others, yet keep looking up to the Son, sun, beauty, music, love, and joy. People bravely, stubbornly, waiting for better days. You are our hope, Jesus.
