Wednesday, November 10, 2010

stand by my side

I haven't written to much lately in the way of songs...but here is a new one I am working on..

What do we do when were black and blue?
Bloodied up bruised, beat-up and used
How can we find a heart that's true?
Stand by my side
Stand by my side

These are the battle cries of life?
From birth to death, from me to you
Here by the shoreline the tide will rise
Stand by my side
Stand by my side

let's watch our weathered hearts unfold
under the sun in from the cold
maybe a heart of ice and stone
could turn to clay
could turn to clay

Delicate as is works of art
The body holds these beating hearts
Come hell or high water and all our pride
Stand by my side
Stand by my side

After the questions and answers too
All arguments and reasons 
What end will come of this love and life?(2x)
Stand by my side
Stand by my side

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