Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Tomorrow I see Dr.Sun. 
I like that his name is that, I will keep that in mind when his mechanical, logical mind talks to me with little to no emotion and his matter of fact thoughts tell me what I need to know about my back. After all, I would rather science trump emotion any day when it comes to someone thinking about operating or not operating. Ultimately, I want my back to "operate" the best it can for the rest of my life. 
It has been months of waiting and also trying to be proactive where possible. I am thankful for music that has kept my mind creative, friends and family that have kept me fed and cared for, and prayers that are answered even when I least expect or deserve it. I am also thankful for provision which so far I has been sufficient enough to keep me a float. I am waiting as the transition happens to whatever... 
And because God is patient too, I will also be. 1 step , 2 step first we must crawl...walk it out..walk it out. xo love.

1 comment:

  1. Hoping, praying for your strong back back. xoxox
