Wednesday, September 29, 2010

group guitar lessons

 just started teaching group guitar lessons . It is SO FUN. I remember when I first picked up a guitar at the Schuetzes house years ago with Doug and Troy and whoever else happened to be wandering through the house at the time. During home group and otherwise, just playing and learning by trying to follow along. And then a progressed to playing with my dear friend Julie during a year of Bible College. Yes you heard me right. Bible College. Thank you Mom and Dad. That was a great year solidifying a lifelong friendship with my friend, and roomy who had never and HAS never lived in the same town with me. The gift of this was worth living at the top of a mountain and writing papers on things I probably will never use in real life. My real life that is. But none the less.. I am thankful. People, are awesome. And there I not only met some great people, but I learnt MORE GUITAR!
I also got tomatoes thrown at me in Slovakia in the middle of a market for playing guitar. Just like FOZZY BEAR! I loved it. Truly. I honestly getting tomatoes thrown at me. I thought that only happened in cartoons! nope.

So anyways! I love my guitar students, and piano. And I am finding that teaching and learning in a group setting, at least with guitar is not only FUN but beneficial for catching on faster and with less intimidation.
Thank you my ginny pig group guitar lesson students. You make me smile! And you INSPIRE me.


  1. I love reading these. I wonder what the "tide" will throw in next...I'm so filled with delight that your year on the hill gave you a lifetime of memories ((they threw tomatoes at you!!??)) and dear friends. xox

  2. argh! i am trying to follow, but it's making Haven follow instead :) - i'll get it figured out :) - glad you are blogging

    Love you little cousin!

  3. I've only ever had raisins thrown at me... lots of raisins. This post makes me smile - a lot!
