Friday, October 15, 2010

" lets just keep going"

"Lets just keep going"

Those are the words that keep running through my head.
Today was a weird day of work. I would say " stressful" for lack of a better word to describe serving coffee in the midst of chaos.
Add 5 am, some sickness, a dash of  "that person is crazy" and what comes out of the pot is a Venti cup of hot steaming " really? why today? your kidding me right?"
Nope. All in a days work. No big deal really.
Somewhere between highlighter man with green hair with his stalker tendencies, and " I haven't had my last break yet ..oh wait I'm off now" I started to smile.
I was thinking about why some days just seem to go from bad to worse.
Being in the service industry is funny that way because even if things are NUTS when you look someone in the eye and say " hi! how may I help you ?!" it really is your job to mean it. And I do sincerely try. ...not to lie. Except when someone asks me how my day is going and I am obligated to say GREAT when in fact I just finished thinking of 17 things that just went wrong in a row behind the scenes.
It all worked out. Last minute . Which is why they have so cleverly names it last minute.
And when all was said and done, when I thought I may have to be at work for 16 hours today I ended up leaving fifteen minutes early to make up for that break that I missed!
Really, without being in the midst it's hard to explain chaos. My own.
I am sure all who go through chaos find it hard to explain their own...
The interesting thing about it though is after all is said and done and we have faced the day with it's challenges we find out it did not kill us!
Today at least it made me realize that during times of high stress to have an outcome I must actually come out of it! PHEW! The best part of my work day today was when I got to say, " I'm OUTta here! "
And my knowing ?
                       " lets just keep going..."

1 comment:

  1. Sounds exhausting...I hope you have a good evening, and a good sleep tonight. I hope tomorrow goes smoother. xoxo
