Saturday, October 2, 2010

my gut

It was pointed out to me by a friend once that every time I said I "heard something" I touched my stomach. As if my ears or brain were in my belly. Some would call this a gut instinct. For me it is the way I have operated most of my existence. Its the way I interpret sound in music. What emotion to play, how loud or soft. It is the way I navigate through decisions that are not clear sometimes. It is the way I communicate with God often. In many ways it is the only way I really know. And it is how I know....myself. And it is how I recognize pain, laughter, love and ALL SORTS of crazy things.
Other references sound like this..
" i can feeeel it"
" i dunno its just a gut?"
" my spidey senses are working"
" the holy spirit talked to me!!!"
              there are many ways to interpret this instinct.
Today I had to follow that, as I have many times before.
My gut is not always correct.
But I have found that I am better off trusting and failing, than not trusting and failing.
So I continue on...listening for the whisper of love that speaks like a whisper somewhere inside me.
There is a scientific name for this. God is cool.
It is called "the belly brain" or " the little brain"

and this is its function.
Not perfect. But SO AMAZING how many ways we can hear, listen and respond to better understand our world.

Its technical name is the enteric nervous system, but it is often referred to as the 'little brain.' Only it's not so little: This dense connection of nerves runs the entire length of the digestive system, from your esophagus and stomach to the small and large intestine. It's estimated that the enteric system contains over 100 million neurons. That's more than make up the spinal cord."

                                    Cool eh? :)


  1. Whoa!! Imagine if all 100 million neurons got really really upset at once!!

  2. Ya...stomach ache dude. seriously:)
